There will be a gadget that anyone can tap phones

Had reported negative because its products, FinFisher, misused to spy on users, Gamma made ​​a surprise return. Spy technology manufacturers are now making a device that can be tapped into.

As reported by The Verge (2/9), the device will reportedly be sold on a limited basis for the police. The goal is to assist law enforcement in spying on a mobile phone suspected.

How to use is similar to the one in the James Bond movie, users simply take a picture of the unique identification of the target phone. Later, gadget designed by Gamma will be able to track the presence of the target cell phone.

Described by Ars Technica, the device reportedly capable of monitoring the contents of the message in the target phone and even refused GSM connection in the phone. This can be done without making the user feel suspicious phone.

With this tool are believed to be able to help the law enforcement agencies to conduct wiretapping activities against a person suspected of committing a crime. However, it can also be abused to no good purpose.

During this myself, Gamma is known as a manufacturer of spy tools that are sold on a limited basis. Buyers generally is intelligence or security forces of a country.

Later revealed that this technology is also owned by the United States. In a document, known Gamma NSA coached to use their products in the PRISM program.

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