Ford Develops Robot Space Pengurai Congestion

Ford is developing a robot communication between space and earth to improve future applications of communication protocols connected car . This study aims to help reduce traffic congestion and help in the progress of the emergency vehicle communication method . This news delivered PT Ford Motor Indonesia ( FMI ) , yesterday .
One way Ford embodies this commitment is through the launch of a three-year research partnership with telematics department of St . Petersburg Polytechnic University in Russia in conjunction with the country's space industry . Ford's relationship with the purpose of this university is to analyze the communication system based on robotic space vehicles for the mesh network to assist in mobility solutions .
The development of the connected vehicle communication has the potential to reduce traffic accidents and ease congestion by enabling vehicles to communicate with each other , and to communicate with buildings , traffic lights , cloud and other systems to deliver a message or to detect and respond to a warning of a possible collision .
" Ford has been committed to the research and development of connected vehicle communications for more than a decade , " said Paul Mascarenas , Chief Technical Officer and Vice President , Ford research and innovation . " Our participation in this study may help in the development of Ford's next-generation driver assistance . Globally this technology will benefit Ford customers , other road users and the environment . "
emergency situations
One promising development of a research project with the Ford St . Petersburg Polytechnic University is the advances in communication methods of emergency vehicles . Ford analyze how an emergency message should be sent to ensure delivery if network failure will occur , identify the systems and methods that provide redundancy in case of failure of the primary transmission .
For example , if an accident will cause damage to vehicle communications to the cloud ( V2C ) , the vehicle may still have access to a network of vehicle to vehicle communication ( V2V ) . Emergency signaling messages can be sent via V2V potentially to a nearby vehicle , and then between vehicles and infrastructure to achieve EMS .
" Research network backup option and a strong message is important , " said Oleg Gusikhin , Technical Leader in analytics systems for Ford . " If one is off the network , alternatives need to be identified and strengthened to be able to reliably propagate messages between networks . "
Telematics - long-distance transmission of digital information - which was developed for use on the space station provides excellent potential for improving communication reliability to cloud the future of vehicle , vehicle to infrastructure , vehicle to vehicle and other forms of communication ( V2X ) . It combines several technologies of communication network including a dedicated short -range communication ( DSRC ) , cellular LTE wireless broadband mesh networking and connectivity to ensure a strong and reliable for optimal signal strength for an important message .
Ford Develops Robat Pengurai Space Jams
Using the knowledge gained from the analysis of space robot , Ford engineers can then develop an algorithm that is integrated into the resulting system V2X messages will go through the appropriate network depending on their importance . Emergency message , for example , can be delivered through the mesh networkyang faster , while entertainment -related messages are sent through the vehicle to infrastructure applications , embedded devices or the network devices .
" We analyzed the data to examine the network where the most powerful and reliable for certain types of messages , as well as a backup option if the network fails in certain scenarios , " said Oleg Gusikhin , Technical Leader in analytics systems for Ford . " If an accident occurs , for example , the vehicle could have the option to communicate via DSRC emergency , LTE or mesh network based on signal type , speed and endurance needed to reach emergency responders as quickly as possible . "
Specialized space robots are used for the analysis of telematics Ford , covers JUSTIN Humanoid , EUROBOT Ground Prototype and NASA Robonaut R2 .

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